Economic Empowerment Programs

The need for economic liberation for people of African descent worldwide is extremely important for self-determination and self-actualization for our people.

The current economic system in Africa, is neo-colonial capitalist system that encourages individualism and greed. This system was put in place across Africa to economically enslave Africans and retain control of our land and vase resources, they do this by manipulating a few people to become traitors for personal gains.

The system continue to benefit these greedy individual and their colonial masters at the detriment of the entire population.

Similar systems are put in place in different part of the globe to oppress people of African descent, Systems that systematically prevent people of African descend from participating in prosperous economies. For Instance: in the United states, in Britain and some South American countries.

APYA aim to address these economic slavery by establishing GLOBAL AFRICAN ECONOMIC NETWORK. In other words, the African group economy, that will connect people of African descend worldwide economically.

The features and benefit of this network are outlined below:

  • Access to no/low interest loans
  • Access to global trade network
  • Access to advanced skill acquisition
  • Optimization of local resources
  • Development of global African communities.


Framework for Economic Empowerment Program


Step: 1:

AYPA Members in all chapters will research the economic potentials/opportunity within their country of residence and submit findings to Economic Team.

Potentials in different fields such as:

  • Mining
  • Tourism
  • Technological development
  • Manufacturing
  • Agriculture
  • Fishery
  • Herbal health care/ cosmetics

Step: 2:

The APYA Economic Team will sources for professionals/profit making organization in all the fields where economic potentials/opportunity have been found and negotiate on behalf of the community for a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Where the organization setups profit making operations/activities in the community and in return develop the community by building capacity and expertise of locals in the particular field, employing locals and also other social responsibilities

June 20, 2018

1 responses on "Economic Empowerment Programs"

  1. I am very interesting. Hope to make a future contribution in one of the above areas.

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